Setting up a new Mac (Sierra)

Thu 05 January 2017 — Filed under notes; tags: mac read more

Setup after clean install of El Capitan

Mon 02 November 2015 — Filed under notes; tags: mac read more

Setup for VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 14.04 on OS X Mavericks

Fri 06 February 2015 — Filed under notes; tags: linux, mac, virtualbox read more

Here are my notes for setting up an Ubuntu VM to work on some web applications. This is intended to be a sandbox for development, so I'll err on the side of convenience (at …

Compiling bcl2fastq v2.15 on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04

Wed 27 August 2014 — Filed under notes; tags: linux read more

Illumina provides a program for demultiplexing sequencing output called bcl2fastq. They get a gold star for releasing the source - the downside is that they release binaries only for RHEL/CentOS, and no build instructions for Ubuntu. So …

Creating lists containing variables

Thu 12 June 2014 — Filed under notes; tags: elisp read more

I learned a bit about list creation in elisp today. Here's how you join a list of strings in elisp:

(mapconcat #'identity '("" "path" "to" "someplace") "/")

But I learned (thanks to legoscia on stackoverflow) that simply replacing an element in the list with a variable results in an error:

(let ((path …

A practical introduction to databases and data management

Wed 11 June 2014 — Filed under lectures; tags: laboratory read more
  • Edit 2015-07-26: added a section on date formatting
  • Edit 2016-07-11: add reference to Tidy Data

This post contains the content of a lecture prepared for Laboratory Medicine residents as part of a series on medical informatics.

sqlite dict factory

Tue 10 June 2014 — Filed under notes; tags: python, sqlite read more

Probably not as efficient as using the sqlite3.Row class, but works when actual dict objects are required. Adapted from

import sqlite3

def dict_factory(cursor, row):
    return {col[0]: row[idx] for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description)}

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory …

Creating a site with Pelican and org-mode

Mon 26 May 2014 — Filed under org-mode; tags: org-mode read more

Never one to pass up the opportunity for yak-shaving, I thought I'd finally try to settle on a publishing platform for various notes and other content that I have scattered about …

Setting up a new mac

Sun 20 October 2013 — Filed under notes; tags: mac read more

Installing R packages

Mon 22 March 2010 — Filed under notes; tags: R-language read more

Notes to myself about installing R packages.

Installing from CRAN

install.packages(c("ape","sqldf","ROCR"), repos="", dependencies=TRUE, clean=TRUE)


biocLite(c("Biostrings","BSgenome …