I have been working on a Windows machine via remote desktop, and am gradually making it bearable. Emacs is miraculously easy to install to my user's account, but it was not immediately obvious how to reproduce my usual configuration of mapping Option to ESC. One solution is provided by Karabiner-Elements, which supports complex rules for keyboard remapping. Crucially, it's possible to remap keys only in the context of a specific application. There are many community-provided rules to use as a starting point: I adapted this one to simply remap left option to ESC. I created ~/.config/karabiner/assets/complex_modifications/rdp_option_to_esc.json with the following contents:

  "title": "Remote Desktop - Left Option sends ESC",
  "rules": [
      "description": "Left option key sends ESC in remote desktop only",
      "manipulators": [
	  "type": "basic",
	  "from": {
	    "key_code": "left_option",
	    "modifiers": {
	      "optional": [
	  "to": [
	      "key_code": "escape"
	  "conditions": [
	      "type": "frontmost_application_if",
	      "bundle_identifiers": [

After adding the file, open the Karabiner-Elements settings from menu bar icon, choose "Complex Modification", and enable "Remote Desktop - Left Option sends ESC".