Table of Contents
Notes to myself about installing R packages.
Installing from CRAN
install.packages(c("ape","sqldf","ROCR"), repos="", dependencies=TRUE, clean=TRUE)
source("") biocLite(c("Biostrings","BSgenome")) # for example
Update all of bioconductor
source("") update.packages(rep=biocinstallRepos(), ask=FALSE)
Check out and install a package (eg, Biostrings) from the Subversion repository. See
svn checkout --username=readonly --password=readonly R CMD INSTALL Biostrings
Read-only subversion repository may be checked out using
svn checkout svn://
Installing packages locally
If you can't (or don't want to) install packages to the system R location, you can create a local library. For example:
echo 'R_LIBS_USER="~/R/library"' > $HOME/.Renviron mkdir -p ~/R/library R CMD INSTALL --library=~/R/library somepackage.gz
Reloading a package
Calling library()
after a package has already been loaded does not update the namespace with updates if the library has changed (eg, during package development). Instead, do something like this:
relibrary <- function(pkg){ unloadNamespace(pkg) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE) }