Source code for bioscons.slurm

Functions for dispatching to SLURM (
from scons.

import re
import shlex
import subprocess

from bioscons import add_scons_lib

    import SCons
except ImportError:

from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment

# From py3.3 argparse
_find_unsafe = re.compile(r'[^\w@%+=:,./-]').search

# system path to the time function
_time = '/usr/bin/time --verbose --output ${TARGETS[0]}.time '

[docs]def check_srun(): """ Return the absolute path to the `srun` executable. """ try: srun = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'srun']).strip().decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: srun = None return srun
def _quote(s): """Return a shell-escaped version of the string *s*.""" if not s: return "''" if _find_unsafe(s) is None: return s # use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes # the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b' return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'" def _action_name(action): return shlex.split(action)[0] if action else None def _check_type(bool_vars): """list((var, varname, type)) checking variable types """ for var, name, tp in bool_vars: if not isinstance(var, tp): raise TypeError('{} {} argument expected, got {}'.format( name, tp, type(var)))
[docs]class SlurmEnvironment(SConsEnvironment): """ Mostly drop-in replacement for an SCons Environment, where all calls to Command are by executed via srun using a single core. The SRun and SAlloc methods can be used to use multiple cores for multithreaded and MPI jobs, respectively. """ def __init__(self, use_cluster=True, slurm_queue=None, all_precious=False, time=False, **kwargs): super(SlurmEnvironment, self).__init__(**kwargs) # check boolean types because so often these are accidentally strings _check_type([(use_cluster, 'use_cluster', bool), (all_precious, 'all_precious', bool), (time, 'time', bool)]) self.use_cluster = use_cluster self.all_precious = all_precious self.time = time if slurm_queue: self.SetPartition(slurm_queue) = kwargs.get('SHELL', 'sh') def _quote_action(self, action): return '{shell} -c {action}'.format(, action=_quote(action)) def _SlurmCommand(self, target, source, action, slurm_command='srun', name='', time=True, **kw): slurm_args = kw.pop('slurm_args', '') precious = kw.pop('precious', self.all_precious) if time and self.time: action = _time + action if self.use_cluster: action = '{cmd} {slurm_args} -J "{name}" {action}'.format( cmd=slurm_command, slurm_args=slurm_args, name=_action_name(action), action=self._quote_action(action)) result = super(SlurmEnvironment, self).Command( target, source, action, **kw) if precious: self.Precious(result) return result
[docs] def SAlloc(self, target, source, action, ncores, timelimit=None, **kw): """ Run ``action`` with salloc. This method should be used for MPI jobs only. Combining an salloc call with ``mpirun`` (with no arguments) will use all nodes allocated automatically. Optional arguments: ``slurm_args``: Additional arguments to pass to salloc ``timelimit``: value to use for environment variable SALLOC_TIMELIMIT """ args = ' '.join(('-n {0}'.format(ncores), kw.pop('slurm_args', ''))) e = self if timelimit is not None: clone = self.Clone() clone.SetTimeLimit(timelimit) e = clone return e._SlurmCommand(target, source, action, 'salloc', slurm_args=args, **kw)
[docs] def SRun(self, target, source, action, ncores=1, timelimit=None, slurm_queue=None, **kw): """ Run ``action`` with srun. This method should be used for multithreaded jobs on a single machine only. By default, calls to SlurmEnvironment.Command use srun. Specify a number of processors with ``ncores``, which provides a value for ``srun -c/--cpus-per-task``. Optional arguments: ``slurm_args``: Additional arguments to pass to salloc ``timelimit``: Value to use for environment variable SLURM_TIMELIMIT """ clone = self.Clone() if ncores > 1: clone.SetCpusPerTask(ncores) if timelimit is not None: clone.SetTimeLimit(timelimit) if slurm_queue is not None: clone.SetPartition(slurm_queue) return clone._SlurmCommand(target, source, action, **kw)
[docs] def Command(self, target, source, action, use_cluster=True, time=True, **kw): """Dispatches ``action`` (and extra arguments) to ``SRun`` if ``use_cluster`` is True. """ if isinstance(action, str) and use_cluster and self.use_cluster: return self.SRun(target, source, action, time=time, **kw) elif isinstance(action, str) and time and self.time: action = _time + action return super(SlurmEnvironment, self).Command( target, source, action, **kw) else: return super(SlurmEnvironment, self).Command( target, source, action, **kw)
[docs] def Local(self, target, source, action, **kw): """ Run a command locally, without SLURM """ return self.Command(target, source, action, use_cluster=False, **kw)
[docs] def SetPartition(self, partition): """ Set the partition to be used. Subsequent calls to SRun and SAlloc will use this partition. """ for var in ('SLURM_PARTITION', 'SALLOC_PARTITION'): self['ENV'][var] = partition
[docs] def SetCpusPerTask(self, cpus_per_task): """ Set number of CPUs used by tasks launched from this environment with srun. Equivalent to ``srun -c`` """ self['ENV']['SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK'] = str(cpus_per_task)
[docs] def SetTimeLimit(self, timelimit): """ Set a limit on the total run time for jobs launched by this environment. Formats: minutes minutes:seconds hours:minutes:seconds days-hours days-hours:minutes days-hours:minutes:seconds """ self['ENV']['SLURM_TIMELIMIT'] = timelimit self['ENV']['SALLOC_TIMELIMIT'] = timelimit