Source code for bioscons.fileutils

import hashlib
import os
from os import path

    from SCons.Script import Flatten, Builder
except ImportError:
    def _copyfile_emitter(target, source, env):
        target - name of file or directory
        source - filename

        (sname,) = list(map(str, source))
        (tname,) = list(map(str, target))

        if os.path.isdir(tname):
            target = path.join(tname, path.split(sname)[1])

        return target, source

    copyfile = Builder(
        action='cp $SOURCE $TARGET'

    def _bunzip2_emitter(target, source, env):
        Decompress source file, keeping original.

        target - name of source with .bz2 suffix removed
        source - file compressed using bzip2

        (sname,) = list(map(str, source))
        return sname.replace('.bz2', ''), source

    bunzip2 = Builder(
        emitter = _bunzip2_emitter,
        action = 'bunzip2 --keep $SOURCE'

[docs] class Targets(object): """ Provides an object with methods for identifying objects in the local namespace representing build targets and to compare this list to the contents of a directory to idenify extraneous files. Example usage:: from bioscons.fileutils import Targets targets = Targets() # build some targets some_target = env.Command( target='infile.txt', source='outfile.txt', action='some_action $SOURCE $TARGET') targets.update(locals().values()) targets.show_extras("outdir") """ def __init__(self, objs = None): self.targets = self.update(objs) if objs else set()
[docs] def update(self, objs): """ Given a list of objects (eg, the output of ``locals().values()``), update self.targets with the set containing the relative path to each target (ie, those objects with a "NodeInfo" attribute). """ self.targets.update( set(str(obj) for obj in Flatten(objs) if hasattr(obj, 'NodeInfo')))
[docs] def show_extras(self, directory, one_line = True): """ Given a relative path ``directory`` search for files recursively and print a list of those not found among ``self.targets``. Print one path per line if ``one_line`` is False. """ outfiles = set( Flatten([[path.join(d, f) for f in ff] for d, _, ff in os.walk(directory)])) extras = outfiles - self.targets if extras: print('\nextraneous files in %s:' % directory) if one_line: print(' ' + ' '.join(sorted(extras))) else: print('\n'.join(sorted(extras))) print()
[docs]def rename(fname, ext=None, pth=None): """ Replace the directory or file extension in ``fname`` with ``pth`` and ``ext``, respectively. ``fname`` may be a string, an object coercible to a string using str(), or a single-element list of either. Example:: from bioscons import rename stofile = 'align.sto' fastafile = env.Command( target = rename(stofile, ext='.fasta'), source = stofile, action = 'seqmagick convert $SOURCE $TARGET' ) """ dirname, base, suffix = split_path(fname, split_ext = True) pth = pth or dirname ext = ext or suffix newname = path.join(pth, base) + ext return newname
[docs]def split_path(fname, split_ext=False): """ Returns file name elements given an absolute or relative path ``fname``, which may be a string, an object coercible to a string using str(), or a single-element list of either. If ``split_ext`` is True, the name of the file is further split into a base component and the file suffix, ie, (dir, base, suffix), and (dir, filename) otherwise. """ if isinstance(fname, list) or isinstance(fname, tuple) or hasattr(fname, 'pop'): fname = fname[0] fname = str(fname) # fname = path.abspath(str(fname)) directory, filename = path.split(fname) if split_ext: base, suffix = path.splitext(filename) return (directory, base, suffix) else: return (directory, filename)
[docs]def write_digest(fname, dirname=None): """Save the md5 checksum of fname as fname.md5 in either the same directory as fname or in dirname if provided. """ bn, fn = path.split(fname) hashfile = path.join(dirname or bn, fn + '.md5') with open(fname, 'rb') as f, open(hashfile, 'wb') as h: m = hashlib.md5() m.update( digest = m.hexdigest() h.write(digest) return digest
[docs]def check_digest(fname, dirname=None): """Return True if the stored hash exists and is identical to the signature of the file ``fname``. Hash is saved to a file named fname.md5 in either the same directory or in dirname if provided. """ bn, fn = path.split(fname) hashfile = path.join(dirname or bn, fn + '.md5') with open(fname, 'rb') as f: m = hashlib.md5() m.update( digest = m.hexdigest() if path.exists(hashfile): with open(hashfile, 'rb') as h: same = == digest else: same = False return same